Bachelor and Master


Bachelor and Master Resource Studies

For more information about the bachelor, master or Tilburg University, please visit the Tilburg University website.


Bachelor Human Resource Studies: People Management

Human Resource Studies: People Management studies the human side of business. You will focus on the performance and efficiency of organizations as well as the well-being of employees.

People, work and management issues are approached from four different perspectives: psychology, sociology, economics and management studies. The program also offers a strong interaction between academic approaches and real world problems. You will be trained to take evidence-based management decisions.

The program has an international orientation with an emphasis on the European context. This is reflected in the choice and content of the cases that you will study in the courses. Additionally, the program has strong links with large internationally operating companies.

For more information, check out our video where Laura Clark represents the new bachelor People Management. Or where current students and a teacher tell something about the bachelor People Management.

Master Human Resource Studies

Become a human resources expert specialized in the relationship between work, well-being, and performance. With a strong international focus, you learn to combine insights from social sciences and business studies in HR-policies that improve individual and, ultimately, organizational performance.

Below you will find information about what it means to be in a committee and what the differences are between the committees. At the end of this file, you’ll see what the functions of a committee include, if you prefer to do a special function you can apply for this as well. If you have any questions, please contact the Board 2019-2020.

Our activities

Featured activities

A great start for boosting your CV

Special function within a committee

Being an active member is a great start for boosting your CV, learning new skills and getting to know new people. But if you want to get more out of your active membership by INPUT, you can start by fulfilling a specific function with more responsibility. Below the different functions will be explained.

As a committee chairman you are responsible for your committee. You set up the agenda for the meeting, ensuring that everyone meets his action points, keep overview and preside the meetings. In addition, you have close contact with the committee’s coordinator to implement information from the board into your committee. Do you feel like learning how to manage a committee? Then chairman may be something for you!

As a secretary of the committee you will make the minutes during the meetings. You make sure the minutes are structured and clear, and you send them to your committee members. Additionally, you will inform all your committee members about each and every one of his/her action points, so that a member of the committee can easily find this in the minutes. Does this sound like something you like to do or want to learn? Apply for the secretary’s function within a committee.

As a treasurer of a commission, you are responsible for the finance within a committee. You get a certain amount of money from the association, and it is up to you to draw up a budget for every activity. After each activity, you are responsible for the realization as a follow-up on the budget. Do you want to learn how to handle money the best way?  Then the treasurer position is really a great fit for you!

General Member
As a general member, you attend the meetings and activities of your committee and take on action points. You are actively involved in your committee to make it a great success! In addition, you can put in all your creative ideas and have a proactive attitude at all times. If you are interested in becoming a member of the committee, you do not need to mention this specifically in your application.


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