What is INPUT?

About us

What is INPUT?

INPUT is the study association for the Dutch bachelor program ‘Personeelwetenschappen’, the English bachelor program ‘Human Resource Studies: People Management’, and the (pre)master program ‘Human Resource Studies’ at Tilburg University. It was founded in 1987 and currently consists of roughly 360 members.

INPUT stands for INtegration Personeelwetenschappen Universiteit van Tilburg, and thus our goal is to facilitate the integration of students with organizations, the HR studies department, and our alumni association ‘Output’.

Who/What is the board?

The board is responsible for the supervision of the association, and usually consists of 5 or 6 members who change every academic year. The functions of each board member are divided into chairman, secretary, treasurer, external affairs, and other internal affairs. The board is supported by an International Integration Officer (IIO). Besides these tasks, the board members also coordinate the committees.

This year’s board (2023/2024) is made up of:

What are committees?

A committee is a group of active members that organize events for their fellow students. Committees meet roughly twice per month and consist of around 6 to 8 people, including a board member. Most committees organize around 4 events; these events can be formal, like a business visit, or less formal, like a cocktail workshop or a cantus.

The committees we have this academic year are;

  • Freshman committee
  • Party committee
  • Create committee
  • Master committee
  • Activity committee
  • Connection Committee
  • Camp committee
  • Symposium committee
  • Studytrip committee
  • Promotion committee

What is the difference between a member and an active member?

A “normal” member is someone who has purchased a membership and therefore can join all the activities organized by INPUT. Furthermore, all members get a discount on books, summaries and some activities that are not free.

If you are a member you can join a committee and by being part of a committee you are automatically an active member. Our active members are very important to us because they organize most of our activities. Being an active member brings you, apart from sociability, a meaningful experience that also boosts your CV.


Among many activities, we organize a company visit, a workshop, and an annual symposium or congress. Apart from study-related activities, we also organize a couple of activities to extend networks, develop personal skills, and, overall, have a good time. More relaxing events, like our introduction camp for the freshmen or the study trip, are always popular among the students. This year the study trip will take place in a country outside of Europe!

Signing up for the activities is mandatory most of the time, and can be done by buying your ticket on our webshop. If an activity is free, you can sign up by sending an email to secretary@studievereniginginput.nl or contacting one of the board members. 


The INPUT room is open for members every weekday. If you need a study break or just some company on campus, do not hesitate to come by! You can find us in TIAS on the 6th floor (TZ 6.23)

Opening hours

– Monday till thursday; 10.45-16.00         

What is the difference between Study Associations and Student Associations?

INPUT is a study association, which means we are purely focused on the students who are enrolled in our study. We want to help our students with their personal and professional development; therefore, we also offer several formal activities which can further help our students on their way towards becoming HR professionals.

On the other hand, a student association, such as I*ESN, Vidar, Plato or Olof, is more focused on students in general; it does not per se include study related activities.

These associations are mainly focused on the students’ social life.

Is there a hazing process?

No, there is not! Joining INPUT, or any of the committees, does not include any kind of hazing. Some student associations may take part in hazing, however study associations do not.

What is INPUT part of?

INPUT is part of the TSB (Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences) faculty, which is made up of multiple studies, and thus multiple study associations. These associations are Complex, POLIS, and Versot. Overarching all four study associations, we have a faculty association, IDEA.
Our activities

Featured activities

International Integration Officer

Who is the International Integration Officer and what is their role?

The IIO of the academic year 2022-2023 is Aniek Jacobs. The IIO’s role is to facilitate the integration of international students into INPUT and act as a contact person for them. Throughout the whole year the IIO actively works to make all international students feel welcome and help them tackle any issues they might face. (a.c.jacobs@tilburguniversity.edu)


If you have any questions such as:

  • Where can I buy a bike?
  • Where do I buy my books?
  • Which committee is best for me?
  • How do I register for my classes?

…or any other questions regarding being a student at Tilburg University,

Please feel free to contact us (the board or the IIO)! 


Communicative Approach


Student-centered Instruction


Authentic Learning Materials & Environmet


Integrated Grammar Instruction
Experiential and Cooperative Learning


Online Language Learning Support